Community Profiles The Community profiles contain free information for all Canadian communities (cities, towns, villages, Indian Reserves and Settlements, etc.) for metropolitan areas and for health regions. A mapping feature is also provided.
Area Profiles These tables provide a statistical overview of various geographic areas based on a large number of detailed census variables.
Print Profiles A print version with less detailed variables will be released for two series: Census divisions / Census subdivisions and Census metropolitan areas / Census agglomerations / Census tracts.
Federal Electoral District Profile This profile presents data for both the 1996 Representation Order (301 Federal Electoral Districts) and the 2003 Representation Order (308 Federal Electoral Districts).
Provincial and Territorial Profiles This profile provides a statistical overview at the provincial and territorial geographic level, presenting most of the census variables. It contains fewer details about the breakdown of variables than the electronic cumulative profiles and the print profiles.
Census Aboriginal Population Profile These profiles contain free information on the Aboriginal identity population for various communities in Canada where the Aboriginal identity population is above 250. Communities, include; cities, towns, villages, Indian reserves and Indian settlements, counties or their equivalents and metropolitan areas.
Dissolved Census Subdivisions Profile In addition, a complete profile of all census subdivisions dissolved between 1996 and 2001, mostly as a result of numerous municipal mergers, is available.
Profile for Statistical Area Classification (SAC) This table contains information from the 2001 Census, presented according to the Statistical Area Classification (SAC). The SAC groups census subdivisions according to whether they are a component of a census metropolitan area, a census agglomeration, a census metropolitan area and census agglomeration influenced zone (strong MIZ, moderate MIZ, weak MIZ or no MIZ) or of the territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon Territory).
The Profile series provides a statistical overview of various geographic areas based on a large number of detailed census variables.
On release day, profiles are available at the census division and subdivision levels. The Profiles with other geographic levels are available a month after release day.
Over the years, businesses and municipalities have relied on these profiles to learn more about their community and to make sound business decisions reflecting the needs of that community.