2001 Federal Electoral District (FED) ProfileThis profile presents data from the 2001 Census for both the 1996 Representation Order (301 Federal Electoral Districts) and the 2003 Representation Order (308 Federal Electoral Districts). A Federal Electoral District is an area represented by a member of Parliament (MP) elected to the House of Commons. Following the release of population counts from each decennial census, the Chief Electoral Officer determines the number of seats in the House of Commons and publishes the information in the Canada Gazette. Electoral boundaries commissions then determine the adjustments to the constituency boundaries. Based on reports from these commissions, the Chief Electoral Officer prepares a representation order. From the 1991 Census population counts, a 1996 Representation Order was proclaimed with 301 Federal Electoral Districts. Based on the 2001 Census population counts there is an increase in the number of Federal Electoral Districts to 308 (2003 Representation Order). Note Source |