Detailed, adaptable information designed to meet your needs!
Population and Dwelling Counts These tables show the distribution of population and dwellings in Canada by various geographic areas, from provinces and territories down to municipalities.
They are also available in print in A National Overview: Population and Dwelling Counts (Cataolgue no. 93-360-X).
Highlight Tables These tables are available on the official day of release at various levels of geography. They present information highlights through key indicators, such as distributions and percentage changes from 1996. The tables allow users to perform simple rank and sort functions.
Topic-based Tabulations Beginning July 16, 2002, this series of tables will paint a portrait of Canada based on various topics, that is on groups of variables on related subjects. They will be available for various levels of geography. Some tables will provide a simple overview of the country; others will consist of three or four cross-tabulated variables; and still others will be of special or analytic interest.
Profiles These tables provide a statistical overview of various geographic areas based on a large number of detailed variables. Groups of variables, referred to as electronic components of profiles, will be made available in each of the eight major releases, beginning July 16, 2002 with the components of profiles for census divisions / census subdivisions (CD /CSDs). Together, the electronic components of profiles will form a complete profile.
Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) Beginning in the 1st quarter of 2005, these files (individuals, families, households and housing) will provide access to non-aggregated data such that users can conduct their own research or analysis.
CD-ROMs These special CD-ROM products are part of the topic-based tabulations of the 2001 Census standard data products. They contain detailed tables on Aboriginal Peoples of Canada or the Portrait of Official Language Communities in Canada and their selected demographic, cultural, social and economic characteristics.
Standard data products are data tables extracted from the 2001 Census database. They contain statistical information about every characteristic of the population, households, dwellings and families, characteristics that are measured in the census.
Census data can be used for many purposes, from route planning, site location, delivery services, through to program planning and development, urban planning and market analysis, mapping and geographic purposes. Census information can even help you stay abreast of topics of current interest and identify trends in Canadian society.
No matter why you need them, 2001 Census products will support your planning and overall decision making.
Note: As of February 1, 2012, all 2006 and 2001 census standard data products are available for free to the public. For more information, refer to the list of Census standard data products available for free to all users.