Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2016 Census

Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, census subdivisions and dissemination areas, 2016 Census – 100% data


This table presents the 2016 Census population counts and the 2016 dwelling counts, land area, population density for all dissemination areas by a selected province or territory and a selected census subdivision.

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Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, census subdivisions and dissemination areas, 2016 Census. This table presents the 2016 Census population counts and the 2016 dwelling counts, land area, population density for all dissemination areas by a selected province or territory and a selected census subdivision. Same-page links within the first column 'Geographic name' will move focus to the map beneath the table. When sorting the table headers (ascending or descending), the page reloads and focus moves to the top of the table.
Geographic name Population, 2016 Private dwellings, 2016 Land area in square kilometres, 2016 Population density per square kilometre, 2016
Total Occupied by usual residents
No sort applied
Descending sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
CanadaFootnote 1 35,151,728 15,412,443 14,072,079 8,965,588.85 3.9
New Brunswick 747,101 359,721 319,773 71,388.81 10.5
Westmorland (P) 908 596 413 175.43 5.2
13070305 467 222 200 39.18 11.9
13070306 441 374 213 136.26 3.2
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