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Modified on November 14, 2007
Actual number of hours that persons worked for pay or in self-employment at all jobs they held during the week of May 7 to 13, 2006.
Refers to the actual number of hours that persons worked for pay or in self-employment at all jobs held in the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day (May 16, 2006). This includes hours worked for wages, salaries, tips, commissions, piece-rate payments or payments 'in kind' (payments in goods or services rather than money). Hours worked in one's own business, farm or professional practice or hours worked without pay in a family business, farm or professional practice, owned or operated by a relative living in the same household are also included.
Excluded are hours during which the respondent was absent, with or without pay, for part of the week because of illness, vacation, or other reasons.
More information on Hours worked for pay or in self-employment