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Class of worker

Modified on December 7, 2009

Part A - Plain language definition:

Not applicable

Part B - Detailed definition:

This variable classifies persons who reported a job into the following categories:

  1. persons who worked mainly for wages, salaries, commissions, tips, piece-rates, or payments 'in kind' (payments in goods or services rather than money);
  2. persons who worked mainly for themselves, with or without paid help, operating a business, farm or professional practice, alone or in partnership;
  3. persons who worked without pay in a family business, farm or professional practice owned or operated by a related household member; unpaid family work does not include unpaid housework, unpaid childcare, unpaid care to seniors and volunteer work.

The job reported was the one held in the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to enumeration (May 16, 2006) if the person was employed, or the job of longest duration since January 1, 2005, if the person was not employed during the reference week. Persons with two or more jobs in the reference week were asked to provide information for the job at which they worked the most hours.

More information on Class of worker