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Owner's major payments or gross rent as a percentage of household income

Part A - Plain language definition:

Percentage of a household's average total monthly income which is spent on shelter-related expenses. Those expenses include the monthly rent (for tenants) or the mortgage payment (for owners) and the costs of electricity, heat, municipal services, etc. The percentage is calculated by dividing the total-shelter related expenses by the household's total monthly income and multiplying the result by 100.

Part B - Detailed definition:

Refers to the proportion of average monthly 2005 total household income which is spent on owner's major payments (in the case of owner-occupied dwellings) or on gross rent (in the case of tenant-occupied dwellings). This concept is illustrated below:

(a) Equation 004 Owner-occupied non-farm dwellings:


Equation 004 Owner-occupied non-farm dwellings

(b) Equation 005 Tenant-occupied non-farm dwellings:


Equation 005 Tenant-occupied non-farm dwellings

More information on Owner's major payments or gross rent as a percentage of household income