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This tool will help users locate corrections and updates by topic/subject that may be found in various 2006 Census products, after being released, due to errors, whether related to data or metadata, in a very simple and user-friendly manner.
Revision date |
Census product(s) affected |
Level |
March 25, 2010 | All 2006 Census data products which contain highest certificate, diploma or degree (13) and the Federal Electoral District (FED) Profile, 2006 Census, catalogue number 92-595-XWE. | Low |
June 23, 2009 | All products which contain geographic areas with amendments to the 2006 population and dwelling counts | High |
March 3, 2009 | Aboriginal Population Profile, Aboriginal Population Profile Bundle and Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, 2006 Census CD-ROM | Low |
January 28, 2009 | Profile for Dissolved Census Subdivisions and the 2006 Community profiles | High |
December 9, 2008 | Two 2006 Census topic-based tabulations on labour force activity | High |
December 9, 2008 | Canada's Changing Labour Force, 2006 Census (Analysis Series) | Low |
November 24, 2008 | One 2006 Census topic-based tabulation on Aboriginal Peoples (Inuit languages and Inuit area of residence) | Low |
July 29, 2008 | The complete cumulative profile and one 2006 Census topic-based tabulation | High |
June 16, 2008 | Table 1 Highest level of educational attainment for the population aged 25 to 64 | Low |
June 10, 2008 | Two 2006 Census topic-based tabulations on economic family status | Low |
June 4, 2008 | The Evolving Linguistic Portrait, 2006 Census (Analysis Series) | High |
April 23, 2008 | The release-centric web page on Language (including language of work) | High |
March 26, 2008 | Portrait of the Canadian Population in 2006 (Analysis Series) | High |