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This section presents median family incomes for census metropolitan areas, on an after-tax basis. In 2006, there were about 5.8 million economic families consisting of two or more people who lived in census metropolitan areas. All income figures are in 2005 constant dollars.
Among the 10 census metropolitan areas with the highest median family incomes in 2005, eight were located in Ontario. The remaining two were Calgary and Edmonton.
After-tax median income was highest in 2005 for the 292,885 economic families in Calgary, at $70,016, followed closely by Oshawa, at $69,389 and Ottawa ‑ Gatineau, at $68,803.
The 39,980 economic families in Trois-Rivières had the lowest median incomes, at $48,844. Except for Trois-Rivières and Sherbrooke, after-tax median incomes for economic families were above $50,000 in all census metropolitan areas.
Table 26
Median after-tax income and number of economic families, census metropolitan areas, 2005